We chew on the bones of time – the programme brochure

We chew on the bones of time:
The programme brochure of the Nationaltheatret Oslo

Bildschirmfoto 2015-11-18 um 14.42.57


Click on the link to read the programme of the Nationaltheatret Oslo:


Flyer_Vi tygger pa tidens knokler

in Norwegian


Utgitt av Nationaltheatret.
Ansvarlig utgiver: Hanne Tømta
Redaktør: Marte Eielsen
Layout: Sigurd Østensen
Foto: Marte Garmann
Trykk: 07 Oslo. Januar 2015
Adresse: Johanne Dybwads plass 1,
Postboks 1225 Vika, 0110 Oslo.


Published on 18 November 2015

5 morgen – the programme brochure

5 morgen:
The programme brochure of the Schauspiel Stuttgart


Bildschirmfoto 2015-11-18 um 14.07.01


Click on the link to read the programme of the Schauspiel Stuttgart:

Schauspiel Stuttgart_5 morgen_Programme

in German


Carmen Wolfram:
Katastrophe als Chance. In: Theater heute. Jahrbuch 2013.

Fritz Kater:
Über 5 morgen. In: Theater heute Nr. 10 / 2013.

Roland Barthes: Nautilus und Trunkenes Schiff.
In: Mythen des Alltags. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 2012.


Programmheft Nr. 5 Spielzeit 2013 / 2014 Fritz Kater: 5 morgen

Herausgeber Schauspiel Stuttgart
Intendant Armin Petras
Künstlerischer Direktor Klaus Dörr
Redaktion Carmen Wolfram
Corporate Design Spector Bureau Leipzig
Gestaltung Anna Busdiecker


Filmstills: Rebecca Riedel

Herstellung schöne drucksachen GmbH


Published on 18 November 2015

About Terrorisms


The TERRORisms project is a cooperation project directed by the Union des Théâtres de l’Europe with the support of the “Creative Europe” programme of the European Union.

Developed in collaboration between five theatres in Stuttgart, Oslo, Belgrade, Tel Aviv and Reims, the TERRORisms project resulted in the creation of five original plays dealing with the theme of terrorism.

Written over the period of 2013 through 2015, the plays by Fritz Kater in Stuttgart, Milena Marković in Belgrade, Maya Arad in Tel Aviv, Jonas Corell Petersen in Oslo and Aiat Fayez in Reims led to the organisation of a series of world premieres, production exchanges, meetings, conferences and discussions all over Europe and beyond.
These five plays — the original version and their translations into English and German — are now available as an eBook. You can download the eBook under www.culturbooks.de/terrorisms for free.

Following the intense two-year collaboration period, the project ended in June 2015 on the occasion of a festival in Stuttgart, bringing together for the first time all the five performances created for the project. Read the TERRORisms Festival programme flyer (pdf): TERRORisms_Festival_Programmflyer

The TERRORisms project is a cooperation project directed by the Union des Théâtres de l’Europe with the support of the “Creative Europe” Programme of the European Union.

A two-year cooperation project
In Oslo, Stuttgart, Belgrade, Tel Aviv, Reims
Produced by the Union des Théâtres de l’Europe

In collaboration with
the National Theatre of Oslo, Norway
the Habima – National Theatre of Tel Aviv, Israel
the Yugoslav Drama Theatre, Belgrade, Serbia
the Schauspiel Stuttgart, Germany
the Comédie de Reims, France

In association with
the Young Vic Theatre London, England
the Shiber Hur Company, Palestine
the Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf, Germany
the University of Oslo, Norway