Let’s take the International Association of Theatre Critics (AICT-IATC) as an example. At a first glance, some members are in fact employed by the universities as lecturers: it then appears fairly evident how in many countries the field of academic studies and the field of journalism share some wide areas. At least in the terms of the possibilities for a theatre critic to lecture at the university or for a lecturer to write articles on a newspaper or a magazine. This is quiet unusual in Italy: at the present time, professors and researchers generally don’t contribute to newspapers and magazines, except for the ones that explicitly have an academic angle. Conversely, very seldom a journalist is invited as a teacher at the university. However, many theatre and dance academies invite professionals (rather than university lecturers) to lead theatre/dance criticism workshops and this model might be imported also in the more conventional academic learning programs. Occasional playgrounds belonging to a professor and a theatre critic still can be symposia or special events such as commemorations or national meetings.
Published on 11 May 2015