SWR2 Radio talk with Reinhold Görling on “Terror and Theatre”

at the TERRORisms Festival, Stuttgart

Der Medienwissenschaftler Reinhold Görling im Gespräch mit Marie-Dominique Wetzel/SWR2 zum Theaterfestival “TERRORisms” in Stuttgart “Terror und Theater”

in German only

Reinhold Görling and Nikolaus Müller-Schöll at the TERRORisms Festival Stuttgart. © Jennifer Ressel/U.T.E.
Reinhold Görling and Nikolaus Müller-Schöll at the TERRORisms Festival Stuttgart. © Jennifer Ressel/U.T.E.
5:07 min | 26 June 2015 | 12.33 | SWR2 ‘Journal am Mittag’ | SWR2